Wound Care Continuum
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About Bonvadis® Topical Cream

Bonvadis - Topical Cream
Bonvadis® contains proprietary natural herbal ingredients for wound bed preparation and healing.

What Bonvadis® Does
Clinically proven formulation for tissue repair.
Advantages of Bonvadis®
  • Easy to use for home care
  • Reduce doctor visits
  • Significant healing efficiency in treating acute and chronic wounds
Indication for use
For Over-the-Counter Use (OTC):
Bonvadis® Topical Cream is indicated for the management of minor skin lacerations, abrasions, cuts, and minor burns.
For Prescription Use:
Under the direction of a healthcare professional, the Rx product is indicated for the management of partial-thickness wounds, closed post-surgical wounds, and 1st-degree and superficial 2nd-degree burns.

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